I'm Cody Byrns

This is My Story
I can tell you it was bad.
My car was engulfed in flames...
In May of 2013 I was young, strong, and healthy. I had just turned twenty-three years old. Despite my age, I was extremely purpose-driven and strove daily to pursue the calling God had placed on my life. My ultimate goal was to travel the world and inspire people as a children’s pastor and traveling evangelist and entertainer. But one day, in a matter of moments, I nearly lost all of it.
The morning of Friday, May 31, 2013 was just like any other morning. My alarm woke me up, I jumped into the shower, grabbed some breakfast, and drove to church to start my workday. On Fridays, I was in persistent study mode for the upcoming Sunday service. During lunch that day, I was scheduled for a meeting to discuss an upcoming juggling and comedy performance for the following weekend at the Red Skelton Performing Arts Center in Vincennes, Indiana.
The meeting went well. Everyone was excited about the upcoming performance. While trying to contain my excitement, I drove back to my church office to finish up the rest of the day. On the way back to my office, I found myself stopped at a red light. While stopped, I was rear-ended by a large box truck traveling at full highway speed (60–65 mph). My car was engulfed in flames.
I don’t remember anything after the collision. I can tell you that it was bad, and I could have been killed. Yet instead of my life coming to an end that day, I like to think that it was when it all began.

This is what I do
Cody Byrns is a best-selling author, speaker, life coach, and podcast host.
Cody Byrns is an internationally recognized speaker and a number one best-selling author. In May of 2013, Cody’s life was drastically changed. While stopped at a red light on the highway, Cody was rear-ended by a box-truck that failed to stop. As a result, he was considered dead until first responders saw his hand move. He received many injuries that day, including severe burns to almost 40% of his body. After years of countless surgeries and rehabilitation, Cody has chosen to not allow his scars to keep him bound in bitterness and defeat. Instead, he uses his story to uplift others.
Cody is helping people live free from the bonds of scars (physical and emotional), equipping them with the proper steps to walk out of their past hurt and defeat, and run towards their God-given potential.
As a thought leader, he speaks worldwide to provide relevant, applicable, and thought-provoking messages. Thousands of people have been impacted by Cody’s story and outlook on life. From school students to business leaders, his presentations have been received by many. Be prepared to have an experience that will motivate you to move out of bondage into a life of freedom!
Cody founded his own non-profit burns foundation that has been able to help multiple survivors recover. To learn more about this foundation please visit TheCBFoundation.org.

The Cody Byrns Foundation for Burn Survivors
Burn injury is a tragedy unlike any other. Rehabilitation happens simultaneously on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. After Cody Byrns sustained and recovered from his severe burn injuries, he realized the need of the burn survivor community, and the costs involved with helping patients heal not just physically but emotionally too. This led him to begin his own 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, which sponsors burn survivors from around the country to receive the proper care and guidance needed, on their journey to thrive with a life-long injury.
Cody looks at this with the mindset of, “I’m blessed to be a blessing,” and he’s witnessed first-hand how these funds and your support can show patients that we care, and that they can overcome and live a beautiful life beyond their scars. In an effort to provide a source of inspiration, and the motivation to move on following a severe burn injury, the Foundation actively facilitates attendance at burn camps and conferences with other burn survivors, to further enhance the lifelong process of recovery.

Make a donation to The Cody Byrns Foundation
Your donation will make a significant difference in the burn survivor community. This foundation operates under the umbrella of Cody Byrns Ministries, Inc. a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public nonprofit charity. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Donate By Mail
Cody Byrns Ministries, Inc. | Attn: The CB Foundation, P.O. Box 809, Brandon, FL 33509